Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails, or onychocryptosis, are not only an extremely common foot condition, but can also be one of the most painful problems we treat. Our Chiropodists are experts in preventing, managing, and safely treating ingrown toenails.

An ingrown toenail occurs when the nail is growing into the surrounding tissue, causing inflammation, redness, and swelling of the tissue.

There are many causes of ingrown toenails, including improper nail cutting, tight fitting shoes or socks, trauma to the nail plate or toe, and pronation (the foot rolling in).

If an ingrown toenail develops, it’s necessary to have it treated as soon as possible by a chiropodist to avoid infection. If an infection occurs, it can easily spread to the bloodstream and cause severe problems for the patient. Other complications from an untreated ingrown toenail include the loss of the nail plate, deformity of the nail plate and tissue, scarring of the nail fold, and severe inflammation and pain around the nail bed. All these complications can lead to difficulty wearing shoes and participating in normal activities.

Causes and Prevention


Partial Nail Avulsion

Sometimes, prevention methods are just not enough to stop ingrown toenails from occurring or returning. This is where ingrown toenail removal surgery comes in! Depending on your needs and the frequency of your ingrown toenails, a different procedure might be right for you.

We perform nail spicule removal to provide relief from an ingrown toenail. In this procedure, local anesthetic is used to numb the area while the necessary nail, or spicule (piece of nail that is growing into the skin), is removed. A follow-up appointment is usually made after this procedure to assess for any infection or unusual growths in the skin. However, caught fast, these infections are easily treated with antibiotics.

In some cases, we also perform a surgical procedure called a Partial Nail Avulsion (PNA) to permanently prevent regrowth of the toenail. This surgery is best for patients who regularly suffer from ingrown toenails and are seeking a permanent solution. In this surgery, a small portion along the side of the toenail is completely removed and is treated with a special chemical to disallow for regrowth. After surgery, the nail will be slightly narrower, but will appear normal (and ingrown free!). A follow-up appointment is included in this surgery as well in order to ensure proper healing.

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