Custom Orthotics
Custom orthotic inserts are medical devices designed to provide support, alleviate pain, and improve mobility for people with various types of foot and ankle conditions. Orthotics are most beneficial when they are prescribed by a Chiropodist to suit the unique needs of the individual.
What Are Custom Orthotics?
Orthotics are designed to restore your foot to its ideal position, enabling the muscles to work more efficiently. This reduces stress on the ligaments and tendons and keeps joints congruent. This process of offloading high pressure areas is benefits the wearer by reducing arthritic pain, joint pain, and many other types of foot pain. Custom orthotics can be used to correct existing foot conditions, prevent existing conditions from progressing, and inhibit new conditions from developing.
High quality orthotics are manufactured based on a unique individual impression of the foot that is taken using a 3D laser or plaster. This impression captures the foot in its natural position, allowing the Chiropodist to ensure the orthotics are designed to address the biomechanical and structural problems that are distinctive to your feet. Orthotics should always be prescribed and dispensed by an Ontario licensed foot specialist such as a Chiropodist.
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